
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is an innovative platform designed for businesses seeking to hire top remote talent efficiently. By connecting companies with vetted developers, designers, and marketers, Arc ensures a seamless hiring experience. Utilizing advanced matching technology, users can find ideal candidates swiftly, addressing recruitment challenges head-on.

Arc's pricing structure is designed for flexibility, offering no upfront fees until a hire is made. Users benefit from a pay-per-hire model, with options for both freelance and full-time talent. Upgrading offers access to a larger pool of vetted candidates, ensuring quality and quick hiring.

The user interface of Arc is streamlined and user-centric, providing a seamless navigation experience for hiring managers and talent alike. Designed for simplicity, it features intuitive match algorithms and easy communication tools, making Arc an efficient choice for finding top remote talent quickly.

How Arc works

Users begin their experience with Arc by sharing their hiring needs, including job details and budget. Once submitted, the platform swiftly matches them with suitable candidates based on expertise and availability. Hiring managers can then engage directly with these vetted individuals, simplifying the interview and selection process while ensuring compliance and security in payments.

Key Features for Arc

Instant Candidate Matching

Arc's instant candidate matching feature utilizes advanced algorithms to connect businesses with pre-vetted remote talent quickly. This unique capability ensures that users spend less time sorting through resumes and more time meeting potential hires, significantly expediting the recruitment process.

Global Talent Pool Access

With access to a vast pool of 350,000 candidates across 190 countries, Arc provides businesses the opportunity to hire exceptional talent at competitive rates. This global reach not only enhances the quality of hires but also drives significant cost savings, making recruitment more efficient.

Expert Recruitment Support

Arc offers specialized recruitment support from a team of expert global recruiters, ensuring that companies receive personalized assistance in hiring processes. This dedicated support helps clients navigate challenges in remote hiring, enhancing the overall recruitment experience.

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